“Your personal goals and ambitions are your own business and don’t concern others! If you need others’ cooperation to achieve them, then quit!”

Today’s Topic: “Your personal goals have nothing to do with others.”

This also applies to previous statements, but when you have a goal you want to achieve, a version of yourself you aspire to be, a skill you want to improve, or something you want to learn, your desires are entirely your own business and have nothing to do with others.

To put it more clearly, everyone has their own goals and aspirations they want to achieve. As I’ve always said, time is life. We all live by spending our own time, so imposing your desires on others or making them feel guilty is not right.

Some people say things like, “Who do you think you owe your meals to?” To counter that, someone might say, “Who do you think makes those warm meals for you?” It’s a silly argument.





We live in a symbiotic relationship where roles are simply divided. In companies, there are roles like sales, HR, and accounting. In families, there are roles for household chores, child-rearing, and providing for the family. It works because everyone makes their respective efforts.

Thinking that earning money is the best and holds a superior position shows immaturity. Smooth and harmonious relationships are achieved by mutual appreciation and consideration.

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Your personal goals are just that—personal. It’s wrong to think that everyone should be considered together.

For example, if you want to improve your skills to get a raise, you need to study. If you plan to learn via correspondence, thinking that someone else should prioritize your costs and time is wrong. Achieving your goals should come from your own time and efforts.

Additionally, thinking that cooperation is natural if it benefits the family or company is also flawed. If someone helps you, you should be grateful, but don’t assume it’s normal or expected every time.

We live our own lives. Sometimes we say, “It’s my life,” and other times we say, “Help me out,” not realizing the contradiction. This duality is often seen nowadays.

On the contrary, if a family member asks for your support because they are working hard, of course, you’ll provide the best support, right? However, arrogant people might say, “That’s your problem,” or “Why should I help?”

If you want cooperation, you need to foster a cooperative environment. If something can only be achieved with others’ help, perhaps it’s not the right time for that goal. Walk your path on your own feet and achieve what you desire by yourself. Everyone is their own person.
