Today’s Topic: “Observe Others’ Behavior and Correct Your Own”
The negative impacts of polarization are significant and often glaring. However, as the title suggests, observing others’ behavior and correcting our own has evolved into something different.
In the past, noticing others’ negative traits made us realize that those traits might exist within ourselves. Therefore, the focus was on self-correction rather than criticism.
But in modern times, things have changed. When we notice someone’s negative traits, it’s possible that those traits are not present in us. At that moment, we should choose gratitude instead.
For example, if you are seated with someone who has bad manners, instead of thinking “What’s up with their eating?” and criticizing them, think “I’m grateful my mother taught me good manners. Thank you, Mom.”
If you hear someone making an inconsiderate remark, don’t think “What’s with that tone?” Instead, think “I wouldn’t speak like that. I’m grateful for the advice my husband gives me on how to speak kindly.”
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We have many teachers in our daily lives, thanks to whom we become who we are today. When we think like this, everything seems full of gratitude.
Furthermore, we now resonate with like-minded people, so there’s no need to associate with those “??” behaviors. Therefore, if we see these negative traits as opportunities to express gratitude, even bad manners and harsh words can fill us with positivity.
From now on, let’s shift our perspective from “Observe Others’ Behavior and Correct Your Own” to “Observe Others’ Behavior and Be Grateful for Your Own.”