The difference between one’s true self and their actions! It’s about time we understand this! More and more people are becoming aware and taking action accordingly!

If there is a person in front of you who does nothing, says nothing, takes no action, and is unresponsive, what would you do? Would you feel irritated? Would you want to say, “Do this, do that”? Would you complain to yourself? Would you want to guide them by saying, “It would be better if you did it this way”? Most people would likely react in these ways. However, it is unnecessary! That person is okay with being as they are. As long as they are okay with it, there’s no need to interfere. If they are not okay with it and don’t know what to do, they will take action by asking, “Is there anything I can do?”

What is important here is to set the flag by saying, “Feel free to ask me anything” at the initial stage. That’s all.

Everyone feels discomfort when others don’t act or behave the same way they do. It is due to justifying their values and saying, “I am this careful,” “I would do it this way,” or “What do they think work is?” It’s a prideful arrogance. In other words, it means that they love bullying the weak. Please understand this well.

This is often seen in people who take pride in their efforts. If you continue like this, you will develop a pride that surpasses Everest. Often, the “otome-sama” (office lady with a superiority complex) is the result. Everyone thinks, “I don’t want to be like that,” but people who are constantly bothered by others’ actions are on a straight path to becoming one.

Now, today’s topic is “What is Your True Self?” In a nutshell, it’s about the wisdom that directly enriches everyone’s life, which is equated with the soul, the true self. Consciousness is felt by the mind and received by the head. Generally, consciousness is thought to be produced by the brain, but if you think about it carefully, it may not seem so. The inspiration received intuitively by the head is perceived as consciousness. You receive it thinking, “Oh, I see!” and then take conscious action. When the heart warms up and feels happy, it translates into action and gratitude. So, it is directly connected to consciousness. In other words, the true self = soul is directly connected to consciousness.

However, even if we sense the voice of the true self or the soul, thoughts and emotions interfere. These thoughts and emotions are based on past experiences, making us feel fear and anxiety, encouraging us to avoid change if possible. Thoughts and emotions are directly connected to the surface layer of the subconscious. Meanwhile, the true self or soul is connected to the potential part of the subconscious, trying to break through the surface and become visible. Breaking through this surface layer is the process where the door of possibilities begins to open.

Does this seem difficult today? I’ve been told that my blog is difficult to understand…

Anyway, it’s a simple structure: Want to be happy? → Prioritize the voice of the true self/soul → The door of subconscious possibilities begins to open → The heart feels restless or dreams about it → Prioritize it → Things go surprisingly well → Potential is drawn out → Skills improve → Resulting in happiness

Want to be happy? → Prioritize thoughts/emotions → Strengthen the surface layer of the subconscious → Try to fit into the usual routine → Things don’t go well for some reason → Wish to draw out your potential → Fall into a negative spiral → End up going around in circles as usual

This is the difference!
